Ministry of Defence Recruitment 2014 – 2015 LDC & MTS Posts
JNKVV Recruitment 2014 – 2015 For 81 Various Vacancies
Dear Job aspirants, Are you looking for Govt of India Ministry of Defence Recruitment 2014? Here is the good news for you all. Govt of India, Ministry of Defence, Govt of India Ministry of Defence Recruitment 2014 For LDC & MTS. Govt of India Ministry of Defence has released notification for the LDC & MTS posts. There are almost 38 jobs or vacancies in Govt of India Ministry of Defence . Interested and eligible candidates can apply online on or before the last date i.e. 03th October 2014. Please read the below provided information such as educational qualification, application fees, selection procedure etc. carefully before applying for this job. You can also download the application form or challan form if provided.
Govt of India Ministry of Defence Recruitment Details:
Total Number of Vacancies in Govt of India, Ministry of Defence: 38 Posts
Last date to apply for these posts: 03th October 2014
Name of the Post:
- Lower Division Clerk: 31 Posts
- Multi Tasking Staff (Peon): 07 Posts
Educational Qualification:
Candidates should possess 12th class pass with type speed of 35 wpm in English & 30 wpm in Hindi for Sl no 1 Post, matriculation or equivalent for Sl no 2 Post.
Candidates should possess 12th class pass with type speed of 35 wpm in English & 30 wpm in Hindi for Sl no 1 Post, matriculation or equivalent for Sl no 2 Post.
Age Limit:
Candidates age should be between 18 years to 25 years for UR candidates. Age relaxation is applicable for SC/ ST/ OBC/ EXS candidates.
Candidates age should be between 18 years to 25 years for UR candidates. Age relaxation is applicable for SC/ ST/ OBC/ EXS candidates.
Selection Procedure: Candidates are selected based on written exam, skill test & interview.
How to Apply:
Eligible candidates can apply in prescribed format along with attested (by Gazetted Officer) copies of qualification, caste, 1 self addressed envelope by affixing Rs.5/- Postage, 2 recent pass port size photos, by superscribing the envelope as “Application for the Post of ____” and send through Ordinary Post to the Commanding Officer, Artillery Records, Nasik Road Camp, pin- 422102 (Maharastra) within 21 days from days of Advt.
For more details click here
JNKVV Recruitment 2014 – 2015 For 81 Various Vacancies
Dear all, Are you looking for JNKVV Recruitment 2014? Here is the good news for you all. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Recruitment 2014 For Programme Co-ordinator & Asst Posts. JNKVV has released notification for the recruitment of Programme Co-ordinator & Asst Posts posts. There are almost 81 jobs or vacancies in JNKVV . Interested and eligible candidates can apply online on or before the last date i.e. 21st October 2014. Please read the below provided information such as educational qualification, application fees, selection procedure etc. carefully before applying for this job. You can also download the application form or challan form if provided.
JNKVV Jabalpur Recruitment 2014-2015 Details:
Total Number of Vacancies in Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya: 81 Posts
Last date to apply for these posts: 21st October 2014
Name of the Post:
- Programme Coordinator: 09 posts
- Subject Matter Specialist (SMS): 44 posts
- Programme Assistant: 28 posts
Educational Qualification:
Candidates should possess master degree in relevant subject with The minimum requirements of a good academic record, 55% marks for all posts, .C.A./B. Sc. or B.Sc. (Agriculture) or B. Tech. (Agriculture Engineering) with P.G.D.C.A. from any recognized University and two years experience in agriculture based data work for Programme Assistant (Computer).
Candidates should possess master degree in relevant subject with The minimum requirements of a good academic record, 55% marks for all posts, .C.A./B. Sc. or B.Sc. (Agriculture) or B. Tech. (Agriculture Engineering) with P.G.D.C.A. from any recognized University and two years experience in agriculture based data work for Programme Assistant (Computer).
Age Limit:
Candidates maximum age limit should be 50 years as on 31-08-2014 for Programme Coordinator posts, 45 years for SMS posts age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Candidates maximum age limit should be 50 years as on 31-08-2014 for Programme Coordinator posts, 45 years for SMS posts age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Selection Procedure: Candidates will be selected based on their performance in interview.
Application Fee:
Candidates should pay Rs.1000/- for unreserved/ OBC category and Rs. 400/- for ST, SC candidates, in shape of Bank Draft in favour of Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, payable at Jabalpur.
Candidates should pay Rs.1000/- for unreserved/ OBC category and Rs. 400/- for ST, SC candidates, in shape of Bank Draft in favour of Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, payable at Jabalpur.
How to Apply:
Eligible candidates may send their applications in the prescribed format, originals & attested copies of all relevant documents & Bank Draft should reach the Registrar on or before 31-08-2014 up to 05:00 p.m (Extended to 21-10-2014).
For more details click here, http://www.jnkvv.nic.in/
Eligible candidates may send their applications in the prescribed format, originals & attested copies of all relevant documents & Bank Draft should reach the Registrar on or before 31-08-2014 up to 05:00 p.m (Extended to 21-10-2014).
For more details click here, http://www.jnkvv.nic.in/